Are you dealing with a business contract dispute?

Contracts can serve as the backbone of your business, enabling its proper functioning. Without them, your operations would lack the necessary structure. 

While oral agreements can leave room for uncertainty and risk, striving for clarity and certainty in written contracts is crucial. Nevertheless, disagreements may still arise between you and another party regarding the interpretation of your contractual obligations. 

Depending on the nature of the agreement, substantial financial stakes could be involved in such disputes. 

Companies of all sizes encounter contracts on a daily basis, encompassing interactions with customers, employees, vendors, suppliers, distributors, and various other stakeholders. These business agreements encompass a wide spectrum, from significant real estate transactions to the creation of new employee contracts and everything in between. 

When one party fails to fulfill their contractual obligations, it results in a breach of contract, potentially giving rise to substantial legal complications.

In cases of discord within a business relationship, the involved parties, arbitrators, or legal authorities will scrutinize the contract’s stipulations. Key questions in breach of contract disputes revolve around whether a breach occurred, the responsible party, and the potential financial damages or remedies necessary to rectify the breach. 

If your business has been affected by a breach of contract, it is advisable to seek the counsel of a Chicago breach of contract attorney for a comprehensive evaluation of your situation and guidance on the available options.

Did a breach of contract occur?

The formation and execution of a contract involves a balance of legal principles. Understanding whether a breach of contract has occurred depends on several key elements and the circumstances surrounding the agreement.

A contract materializes when one party extends an offer and the other party accepts it. This acceptance represents a “meeting of the minds” or mutual assent, signifying that both parties have agreed upon the terms and conditions of the contract they are entering into. Moreover, for a contract to be legally valid, there must be an exchange of something of value, commonly referred to as “consideration.” This means that the involved parties must commit to actions or promises that they would not otherwise be obligated to undertake. This could encompass delivering a service, transferring an asset, or making a payment in exchange for a valuable item or service.

Contracts can assume various forms, not solely being limited to explicitly labeled documents. Written contracts are the most common, encompassing agreements such as employment contracts, company handbooks, bills of sale, or receipts, all serving as tangible evidence of a contractual relationship. However, oral contracts are also valid under specific conditions, provided the essential elements mentioned earlier are present.

Nonetheless, certain business transactions necessitate written contracts to meet legal requirements. These include agreements involving the sale of goods exceeding a certain value, contracts extending beyond a year for completion, transactions involving real estate, and other specific situations. It’s worth noting that courts can also identify implied contracts, which are not expressly created but are inferred based on the parties’ conduct toward each other. These implied contracts aim to prevent unjust enrichment when one party provides a service or performs an action expecting compensation, even if the terms were not explicitly established.

If you’re facing uncertainty about a business transaction and whether it has resulted in a breach of contract, consulting with an experienced breach of contract lawyer is paramount. They can help you comprehend your legal rights and obligations, ensuring that you navigate the complexities of contract law effectively.

Potential consequences of a breach:

These consequences serve to address the various facets of a breach of contract, offering legal and equitable remedies to protect the interests of the non-breaching party and maintain the integrity of contractual agreements.

  • Consequential Damages: The non-breaching party may be entitled to compensation for economic losses resulting from the breach, provided those losses were reasonably foreseeable at the time the contract was formed.
  • Liquidated Damages: Parties may have predetermined sums in the contract that one must pay the other in the event of a breach, ensuring financial recourse for the injured party.
  • Nominal Damages: Token compensation may be awarded when the economic harm from the breach is found to be inconsequential, serving as a symbolic acknowledgment of the breach.
  • Specific Performance: The court may issue an order compelling the breaching party to fulfill their contractual obligations precisely as stipulated in the contract, rather than providing monetary compensation.

A dispute does not need to end up in court

Whether you find yourself in the role of the plaintiff or defendant, there exist potential avenues to address your case without embarking on protracted litigation. Engaging the services of a seasoned contracts attorney opens the possibility of collaborating with the opposing party to seek a resolution. Alternatively, you might contemplate employing a mediator or exploring other alternative dispute resolution methods to keep your case from proceeding to court.

In reality, the majority of breach of contract disputes do not culminate in a trial before a judge or jury. Instead, the involved parties often manage to amicably resolve their differences prior to resorting to formal litigation, or they may reach a mutually agreeable settlement during the course of legal proceedings. Nevertheless, enlisting the expertise of a breach of contract lawyer can significantly enhance the likelihood of attaining a resolution without the necessity of a trial. Engaging in dialogue and seeking resolution proves more cost-effective and less burdensome. Litigation leading to a trial typically serves as a last resort, pursued only after all prior attempts to resolve the matter have proven futile.

Working with Landsman Saldinger Carroll

Landsman Saldinger Carroll is dedicated to assisting individuals and businesses dealing with breach of contract conflicts across the Chicago metropolitan region. Our team stands ready to deliver expertise and resolute legal advocacy. We are committed to ensuring that you receive proper compensation. Our legal team can offer representation and guide you in negotiating an agreement that safeguards your financial interests. We are also prepared to advocate on your behalf in a courtroom setting.

Contact us today .